The Fluff Fellowship: A Closer Look at Our Feline Friends

Ninety-five percent of the world’s cat population consists of rescue, stray, and household “non-pedigree” cats. However, we cannot overlook the remaining 5%, known as “preservation breeds” or “pedigree cats.”

There are 45 officially recognized preservation breeds by the Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. (CFA), and each year, they announce the ten most popular breeds based on the number of registrations.

Check out the infographic below to see how last year’s rankings unfolded.

Top 10 Cat Breeds

Which is your favorite floof?

All Cats Are Fancy!

While show cats and breed registries have been part of CFA’s work since its founding in 1906, the organization is based on a profound love and respect for all cats, regardless of their breed. As mentioned earlier, non-pedigreed companion cats account for over 95% of the cat population. CFA has introduced their Companion Cat World (CCW) program to enhance the lives of all cats through love, care, and celebration.

If “rescue is your favorite breed,” you can take comfort in knowing that CFA’s Companion Cat World (CCW) cats are currently in 11th place (as shown in the infographic) and are steadily climbing their way to the top!

A lifetime CCW membership is available for just $13, and CFA proudly allocates a portion of your fee to support the well-being of cats in feral, rescue, and shelter situations. To join or learn more, click here.


1. What are preservation breeds?
Preservation breeds, also known as pedigree cats, are officially recognized breeds maintained to adhere to specific standards set by associations like the CFA.
2. How many breeds are recognized by the CFA?
The CFA recognizes 45 official preservation breeds.
3. What is the Companion Cat World (CCW) program?
The CCW program aims to enhance the lives of all cats, particularly non-pedigreed cats, through love, care, and celebration.
4. How can I support cats in shelters?
Joining the CCW provides financial support to improve the lives of cats in feral, rescue, and shelter situations.
5. Are non-pedigreed cats considered less valuable than pedigree cats?
No, all cats are valuable and deserve love and respect, regardless of whether they are pedigree or non-pedigreed.