Among the oldest of cat breeds, the Siberian is a natural cat and has resided for over a thousand years in the Siberian expanse of Russia. Even though it was brought from the wilderness to chief Russian cities a long time ago, the cat was only introduced in the United States within the last 3 decades. This recent arrival coupled with its attractive profile has meant that Siberians are still quite rare in the United States and acquiring them is a matter of some patience and expense.


Siberian cats are known for their substantial size and distinctive appearance, featuring rounded ears, longer neck ruffs, large slanted eyes, and plumed tails.

Males typically weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds, while females generally range from ten to fifteen pounds. The only breeds that surpass them in size are the Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cats, which share some genetic similarities with the Siberian.

Another remarkable trait of the Siberian cat is its impressive jumping ability and ultra-thick fur coat. These cats have evolved to survive in the frozen tundra, developing a double-layered coat of fur that consists of both an outer and inner layer. This adaptation makes them virtually impervious to the extreme cold they encountered in the deep, dark woods of Siberia.


Siberians come in a variety of colors, with tabby being the most common pattern. Their triple coat features a thick fur layer, a prominent ruff, and a bushy tail, enabling them to withstand the harsh Siberian winters. These well-muscled felines possess a stocky physique, with hind legs slightly longer than their front legs. Their big, round paws may assist in navigating the snowy landscapes of their native habitat. Their heads are triangular, complemented by a rounded muzzle and an endearing face.


This breed is known to be exceptionally high jumpers, with strong hindquarters and ample stomachs. Males typically weigh between 15 to 20 lbs, while females range from 10 to 15 lbs. Though they may share similar weight with Main Coon and Norwegian Forest Cats, Siberians are shorter and stockier. Notably, it takes a Siberian Cat over 5 years to reach its full adult size.


Siberian fur is medium to long and plush, featuring a thick insulating undercoat and a waterproof top coat. Due to its tendency to mat, regular grooming is essential. Brown tabby is the most prevalent color, but this breed can come in various other tabby shades and tortoiseshell, particularly among those bred in America. Russian breeders aim to maintain this breed’s wild appearance, limiting accepted colors to browns and reds.

While some breeders and pet owners claim that Siberian cat fur is hypoallergenic, there is no scientific evidence to support this assertion. However, it is noted that this breed tends to produce less of the primary allergen found in cats.


What is the origin of the Siberian cat?
The Siberian cat is one of the oldest natural breeds, originating from the Siberian wilderness in Russia, where it has existed for over a thousand years.
Are Siberian cats hypoallergenic?
While some claim that Siberian cats are hypoallergenic, scientific evidence is lacking. However, they do produce less of the primary cat allergens.
How big do Siberian cats get?
Males typically weigh between 15 to 20 pounds, while females usually weigh between 10 to 15 pounds, with a stocky build and a triangular head shape.
How long does it take for a Siberian cat to reach full size?
Siberian cats can take over 5 years to reach their full adult size.
What grooming needs do Siberian cats have?
Due to their thick fur, Siberian cats need regular grooming to prevent matting and to maintain the health of their coat.