The Pet Friendly House: Flat Faced Cat Breeds

Flat faced cat breeds are often cherished for their unique appearance and charming personalities. Though they may come with a higher price tag due to their purebred lineage, their adorable features and loving nature make them popular pets.

History of Flat Faced Cat Breeds

Brachycephalic cats were first recognized in Europe in the 1800s. In the 1950s, breeders noticed a Persian cat that exhibited a significant genetic mutation leading to its flat face. This distinctive feature quickly gained popularity among cat enthusiasts, prompting breeders to deliberately cultivate this trait in Persians, leading to the rise of various flat faced breeds over the years.

Health Risks of Flat Faced Cat Breeds

Due to their unique characteristics, flat faced cat breeds face specific health risks. These include:

  • Heart conditions
  • Respiratory problems
  • Suppressed immune systems

It is crucial for owners of flat faced breeds to ensure their veterinarian is knowledgeable about the common health issues associated with these cats.

Persian Cats


Among the earliest recognized flat faced breeds, Persian cats remain incredibly popular. Known for their stunning coats, soft as silk, and expressive jewel-like eyes, they are beloved for their gentle and affectionate nature. Available in a variety of colors like white, cream, and grey, Persian cats require daily grooming to maintain their luxurious coats and need regular cleaning around the face to reduce tear stains.

Himalayan Cats

Flat Faced Himalayan Cat

Himalayan cats exhibit traits that resemble a blend of Persian and Siamese breeds. These affectionate, sweet, and somewhat reserved cats are particularly fond of their families while gradually warming up to newcomers. Preferably maintained in a tranquil environment, Himalayans possess long, beautiful coats that require daily grooming and regular bathing. Their delicate faces also demand regular attention to keep them clean. Himalayans are considered one of the more expensive cat breeds.

Munchkin Cats

Munchkin cats, often dubbed the “Dachshund of the cat world,” are characterized by their flat faces and short legs. Their compact stature does not hinder their playful and energetic nature, as they enjoy running and pouncing around. Intelligent and easily trainable, Munchkins are frequently regarded as an excellent flat faced breed for families.

Bombay Cats

Flat faced bombay cat

Bombay cats are renowned for their affectionate demeanor, often greeting their owners at the door just like dogs. With their flat faces, larger muzzles, and muscular frames, they are often likened to mini black panthers. Their soft coats and captivating yellow eyes only add to their charm. They socialize well with both children and other pets, exhibiting an athletic nature that requires plenty of playtime to keep them engaged.

Exotic Shorthair Cats

Exotic Shorthairs are essentially Persians with shorter hair. This breed is believed to have originated from a cross between Persian and American Shorthair or Russian Blue cats. They possess perky ears, round eyes, and a distinctive short muzzle, making them ideal companions for those who appreciate Persian traits without the extensive grooming. Playful and sociable, they enjoy cuddling and fit well in lively households. While they demand lower grooming than Persians, regular face wiping is necessary to keep tear stains at bay.

Scottish Fold Cats

flat faced scottish fold

With their unique folded ears and flat faces, Scottish Folds are irresistibly cute. They boast large, expressive eyes, a short nose, and a rounded body. Weekly grooming is essential to keep their skin oils distributed and to eliminate dead hair. Their faces also require regular wipes to avoid tear stains. Known for their lively personalities, Scottish Folds thrive on companionship, whether it’s human or another pet.

Selkirk Rex Cats

Flat Faced Selkirk Rex

Recognizable by their long, curly coats and playful nature, Selkirk Rex cats are a delightful flat faced breed. They possess scrunched foreheads, large round eyes, and a love for human attention. Known affectionately as “cats in sheep’s clothing,” they require brushing about three times a week to maintain their coats. These charming cats are less prone to tear duct issues, making their face maintenance simpler.

British Shorthair/Longhair Cats

British Shorthair Flat Faced Cats

The British Shorthair is distinguished by its broad, flat face and does not possess the upturned nose seen in Exotic Shorthairs. They are a stockier breed and come in both short and long-haired varieties. British Shorthairs are known for their easygoing personalities and are generally less susceptible to the common health concerns faced by other flat faced breeds, with grooming needs varying based on their coat length.

Burmilla Cats

Flat Faced Burmilla Cat

The Burmilla breed arises from the combination of Burmese and Chinchilla cats, showcasing a broad, short muzzle and large, round eyes. This unique shape lends them a healthier profile compared to other flat faced breeds. Known for their affectionate nature, Burmilla cats are rare and often costly. They need weekly brushing and appreciate a clean litter box environment.

Burmese Cats

Flat Faced Burmese Cat

Burmese cats originate from a cross between the domestic feline from Burma and the Siamese breed in the U.S. These charming cats possess incredibly soft, short hair that requires weekly grooming along with occasional baths. Known for their longer muzzles, they tend to avoid some health issues prevalent in other flat faced breeds. With abundant energy, Burmese cats also relish snuggling with their owners at night.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are flat faced cat breeds?
Flat faced cat breeds, also known as brachycephalic cats, possess distinctive short noses, wide-set eyes, and charming expressions.
Are flat faced cats prone to health issues?
Yes, they may experience respiratory problems, heart conditions, and immune system challenges due to their unique facial structure.
Do flat faced cats require special grooming?
While grooming requirements vary by breed, many flat faced cats need regular grooming and face cleaning to maintain their health and appearance.
What is the most popular flat faced cat breed?
The Persian cat is one of the most recognized and popular flat faced breeds, cherished for their beauty and gentle demeanor.
Are flat faced cats suitable for families with children?
Many flat faced breeds, such as Munchkin and Bombay cats, can be great companions for families, as they tend to be affectionate and sociable.