Can Ragamuffin Cats Be Left Alone?

It’s such a funny thing. Every time I browse YouTube, my feed is hardly ever without a cat video. Cats are a species that garner as much love in the virtual world as they do in the real one.

For the affection, love, quirkiness, and mystery they bring with them, felines have become the ideal companions for humans. One such category of feline, popularly known as the Ragamuffin Cats, has established a reputation for being affectionate, gentle, and playful family pets.

For this reason, it’s not surprising that sometimes cat lovers are concerned about whether their furry friends can handle being left alone for extended periods.

Can Ragamuffin Cats Be Left Alone?

In all honesty, no cat should be left alone indefinitely without care and caution. Ragamuffin cats are inherently affectionate and thrive on the company of people and other pets. Thus, it’s not advisable to leave them alone for long stretches.

Much like Ragdoll cats (their ancestors), Ragamuffin cats are a resourceful breed. They can tolerate being alone for short periods, such as during working hours, but due to their playful nature, they are less tolerant than some other breeds.

In the remainder of this article, I will share tips to keep Ragamuffin cats happy and engaged while you are away.

How Long Can Ragamuffin Cats Be Left Alone?

Generally, most experts agree that cats should not be left alone for more than 24 hours. This time frame, however, should be understood with a healthy dose of skepticism, as it assumes there won’t be unpredictable circumstances.

At least one person should check in during this period to ensure the food supply is adequate, and there are no spills or injuries. Hence, with these check-ins, it may be possible to leave your cat alone for a weekend. However, the same pattern doesn’t apply to cats like Ragamuffins or Ragdolls.

For breeds like Ragamuffins and Ragdolls to thrive, they need companionship and interaction. In fact, many breeders choose to sell them in pairs to guarantee that they are never alone. If you plan to leave your cat for an extended period, extra care is essential.

In the subsequent section, I will provide pointers to prepare your home if you must leave for extended hours. The essence is this: cats like Ragamuffins flourish in a social, affectionate, and engaging environment. Neglecting to ensure their comfort while leaving them alone can result in both physical and behavioral issues.

Common Issues with Loneliness in Cats

Some of these challenges may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Boredom and depression
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Obesity
  • Lack of restful sleep
  • Loud and consistent meowing
  • Disruption of daily routine
  • Litter box problems

If you desire a lovable cat like a Ragamuffin but are uncertain about providing the necessary companionship, consider a breed that is more tolerant of solitude.

How to Keep a Ragamuffin Cat Engaged While You Are Away?

The purpose of articles like these is to provide you with a solid knowledge base. Understanding the breed and its needs is crucial to ensure that your experience as a pet owner is not overly taxing.

These small responsibilities require your utmost attention. For instance, once you recognize that Ragamuffin cats thrive on social interaction, acquiring a second cat can alleviate most, if not all, of your responsibilities.

Having a feline companion allows them to play, engage, and learn together, promoting a natural growth process within the comfort of your home. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about them lacking the constant companionship they desire.

When planning longer outings, consider having a friend or family member check in a couple of times a day. This small gesture ensures that food and water are plentiful, and the litter box remains clean.

With many services available today, finding a responsible petsitter for your Ragamuffin shouldn’t be difficult. Though you may need to pay a small fee, the peace of mind it brings is well worth it.

Preparing Your Home for Your Cat

  • Maintain the ecosystem they enjoy: As you live with a cat, you’ll learn about its personality, likes, dislikes, and daily routines. Maintaining their eating, sleeping, and play patterns is vital.
  • Ensure toys and engagement items are accessible: Cats often find comfort in playing with their owners’ belongings. Identify and leave out their favorite toys to keep them entertained while you’re away.

Can You Leave a Ragamuffin Cat Alone Longer Once She Is Older?

A common question is whether it’s acceptable to leave older cats alone once they mature. Again, this question is subjective, as much depends on how a cat is raised and its individual personality.

During kittenhood, social interaction, and play are crucial for their development. As they reach their teenage phase, their true character emerges; they become more mischievous yet require some degree of supervision if left alone.

By adulthood, a cat’s persona becomes fully formed, allowing for minimal supervision. Cats over the age of 10 may still be relatively independent, but they still require some care and supervision.

Final Preparations Before Leaving Your Cat Alone

Before concluding, review these checks to ensure a safe environment for your Ragamuffin:

  • Clean and ample litter boxes: Ensure you have more litter boxes than cats, as a dirty litter box can lead to erratic behavior.
  • “Cat-proof” your home: Hide valuable items and safeguard your home from potential hazards.
  • Ensure enough space for your cat to traverse freely: Ensure that your cat can explore her surroundings without being locked in a room inadvertently.


Ragamuffin cats are a joy to have. Like their Ragdoll counterparts, they are characterized by affection and playfulness. They flourish in a social environment rich in engagement, making them unsuitable for long stretches alone.

However, if you can provide an active, interactive ecosystem, Ragamuffin cats are among the best breeds to enjoy as a companion.

These cats get along remarkably well with other pets and children. If you cannot offer sufficient companionship, it may be better to select a breed that suits a more independent temperament.

Nevertheless, providing for a Ragamuffin’s needs isn’t overly demanding. If you bring home a pair or have other pets, you will reduce your responsibilities greatly and feel more at ease leaving them alone for extended periods.

Ultimately, ensure some form of supervision (friends, pet sitters, etc.) along with a well-prepared home environment.


1. Can Ragamuffin cats be left alone for a weekend?
With proper care and check-ins, it may be possible, but they should not be left alone for long periods without supervision.
2. How often should I check in on my Ragamuffin?
It is recommended to check in at least once every 24 hours to ensure they have enough food and water.
3. What behavioral issues can occur if a Ragamuffin is left alone too long?
Common issues include anxiety, boredom, and disruptions to their routine, which can lead to litter box problems and other behavioral changes.
4. Are Ragamuffin cats good with other pets?
Yes, they are known for getting along very well with other cats, dogs, and even children.
5. How can I ensure my Ragamuffin is entertained while I’m away?
Consider getting a companion cat and leaving out toys and engagement items to keep them busy.